Thursday, April 10, 2014

Food Photography [Part 2]

I mentioned earlier on my Facebook post about how crazy and challenging this photoshoot was.

I was asked to design and conceptualize the revision of Alona Topical Beach Resort’s Baybayon Restaurant Menu. And part of it is to do a photoshoot of their own dish.

I prepared two Speedlight flash in a shoot-thru umbrella and a white cardboard reflector as my light source. I don’t have my own camera so I have to rent from a friend every time I have a project like this. But unknowingly, the camera’s built-in flash and hot shoe are broken and there’s NO WAY to trigger my external flash remotely. Time is running and I don't have time to look for another equipment. I cant tell my client that my camera is broken and we have to delay the shoot coz I think it’ll be unprofessional.

So my first option is to use natural light, and second and most crazy thing is to try clicking the shutter button from one hand and the flash remote trigger button from another hand simultaneously. Luckily, the crazy option works this time. I set my shutter speed to 1/60 so I’d be able to (literally) sync my camera and flash manually. I know these are not the right way of doing it, but I have no choice this time but to do my ninja moves.

Here are some of the photos from this shoot. I like them, but that's coming from somebody who is just learning the ropes of photography. Experienced photographers especially those in food photography business might have a different view otherwise.

(click image to enlarge)


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